The Dogwood Monarchist Society was established in 1972 as a registered non-profit society to run the Imperial Court of Vancouver to support the LGBTQIA+ community. Throughout our rich history, our elected Monarchs and College have successfully driven decades of fundraising through a wide variety of events, campaigns and innovative new channels to support charities near and dear to our communities.
About the DMS
On January 6th, 1976 The Dogwood Monarchist Society was constituted under the Provincial Societies Act as a not-for profit organization tasked with providing social interaction within Vancouver’s LGBTQ2+ community and upholding the principles of a democratic monarchy. In 2010, the Imperial Court of Vancouver was recognized as the Mother Court of Canada, and is now part of over 70 courts across Canada, the United States and Mexico. Since its inceptions, the DMS has raised over $2M for deserving LGBTQ charities, and continues to thrive as an organization and as leaders within the Vancouver community.
The Mother Court of Canada was officially recognized as such by the ICS in 2010 and holds the honour of being presented second, after San Francisco, at all Coronations.”
For more information on the International Court System please visit impcourt.org